The environmental management system of Rosseti Volga (brand IDGC of Volga ) is recognized as meeting the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 and its national counterpart GOST R ISO 14001-2016.
Certification was carried out by representatives of ROSTECHSERT LLC on the basis of a license agreement with the international certification body Quality Austria. As a result of the audit, independent experts highly evaluated the effectiveness of the company's environmental management system, risk-based and process approach in managing the electric grid economy. In particular, the positive experience of the company in carrying out industrial environmental control, monitoring and analysis of environmental measures, as well as compliance with legislation in the field of environmental protection was noted.

– It is important for our company not only to provide high-quality power transmission services, but also to do it with minimal consequences for the environment. Obtaining a certificate of compliance is a proof of the effectiveness of the company's environmental management system and business processes, an indicator of a high level of production organization and respect for natural resources – " said Alexey Glubokiy, Deputy chief engineer and head of the production safety and control Department at Rosseti Volga.
In 2019, the efforts of Rosseti Volga's power engineers were aimed at achieving the company's environmental goals. In accordance with the Environmental policy, the specialists performed a whole range of technical and organizational measures to improve the level of environmental safety and rational use of natural resources.
During the year, power engineers replaced more than 240 oil switches with vacuum and gas switches, installed about 22.7 thousand bird protection devices on overhead power lines and open distribution devices of substations. During the construction and reconstruction of power lines, power engineers used a self-supporting insulated wire, which not only has a number of technical advantages, but also allows to exclude the death of birds and reduce the area of cutting down glades. In total, about 700 km of such wires were replaced.
The energy sector also sought to minimize the impact on the environment by using secondary transformer oil (regeneration), which amounted to more than 345 tons. Plan also included internal environmental audits in all 7 branches of the company and training of managers and specialists in the field of environmental protection and environmental safety.
In total, the cost of environmental protection in 2019 amounted to more than 1, 3 billion rubles.."Rossetti Volga" has confirmed compliance with international standards in the field of ecology