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North-West Telecom

January 12, 2010

North-West Telecom’s web-site wins the Silver Threads-2009 National Contest of Corporate Media Resources

The official North-West Telecom web-site has for the second year running won the Silver Threads 2009 National Contest of Corporate Media Resources (hereinafter the Contest) organized by the Communication and Information Academy*.

The award ceremony for the Contest prize-winners and diploma-winners was held in Moscow on December 24, 2009. The Expert Board declared the  web-site the Prize-Winner in the main nomination, the Best Corporate Web-Site Grand Prix.

A total of over 100 corporate media resources of enterprises and organizations from various regions of Russia took part in the Silver Threads National Contest in 2009, including SevZap NTC OJSC (open joint-stock company), St. Petersburg; Baltika Brewery OJSC, St. Petersburg, Vodokanal Sankt-Peterburga SUP (state unitary enterprise), St. Petersburg; Nokian Tyres LLC, Vsevolozhsk, Leningrad Oblast; Chusovoy Metallurgical Plant OJSC, Chusovoy, Perm Kray; Yekaterinburg Power Grid Company OJSC, Yekaterinburg and others. The winners (12 best corporate medias) were determined in two main nominations, The Best Corporate Newspaper and The Best Corporate Web-Site, as well as in several additional nominations.

The official NWT web-site registered under the domain name  is one of the main channels the Company uses for communication with its key audiences such as the investors, shareholders, customers and partners. Every month, the  web-site, including the Internet-representations of the branches**, is visited by more than 1.5 million Internet users. A well-thought-out navigation makes it possible to move conveniently between the web-site sections and access quickly the necessary page or the Company product web-sites***:,,,

As an informationally transparent Russian company, NWT keeps working to improve its official web-resource. In May 2009, NWT presented to the web users an improved structure and an up-to-date design of the corporate web-site, including the Internet representations of the regional branches*.

“Over the past year, our web-site has undergone a number of topical changes, ensuring the principles of equal accessibility and prompt communication of information to all parties concerned. It is our purpose that the official web-site of our Company meets the latest trends in web technologies, is visually attractive and provides access to the most up-to-date and true information on North-West Telecom”, says Ella Tomilina, Deputy General Manager of North-West Telecom, Corporate Relations.


* The Silver Threads contest is Russia’s first interregional contest of corporate information resources, nationwide since 2007. The Interregional contests, which have already gained professional authority, are held on the annual basis in spring and early summer as the first stage of the National contest. Traditionally, the results of the Silver Threads National Contest of Corporate Medias are released in the end of the year.

** The web representations of the branches are part of the NWT official web-site with the following structure of domain names: www.region  of the; these representations are aimed, first of all, to the existing and potential NWT customers in the relevant regions.

*** The main purpose of the product web-sites is to inform the potential and existing product users of the product (service) content, actual terms of provision (tariffs, connection conditions, special promotional events), additional opportunities.




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