Moscow. 16 January. Despite the abnormally low temperatures in certain regions of Russia in January 2003, enterprises of RAO "UES of Russia" have been able to maintain steady operation of the Unified Energy System of Russia. The temperatures in the central regions of Russia have been 3.3?C lower than mean annual temperature, while in the North-West of the country the temperatures have been 12?C lower than usual.
According to the reported data, during the first 14 days in January the power plants of RAO "UES of Russia" generated 32.3 bln kWh of electricity, which represents a 2.4% increase over the target and a 4.5% growth over the last year's figure. The Company's thermal power plants generated 27.0 bln kWh of electricity, an increase of 2.0% over the target and 8.1% compared to the same period last year, while the hydroelectric power plants produced 5.3 bln kWh, or 4.2% more than the target.
The average current frequency in the UES of Russia in the first 15 days of January 2003 has been 50.00 Hz, with the System operating at the standard frequency 100% of the time.