Executives of SISTEMA JSFC led by chairman of the board Vladimir Evtushenkov will participate in a visit to China’s province of Kwantung by a delegation of the Russian central federal district, which is to take place between October 15 and October 20. The delegation’s head is Georgy Poltavchenko, the plenipotentiary of Russia’s president in the central federal district. It includes governors of a number of the district’s regions, representatives of the Russian Federation Council, federal executive bodies and the Investment agency. During the visit members of the delegation are to attend the all-Chinese fair of export goods, hold meetings with leaders of the Kwantung province and cities of Fatchan, Nanchang, Shanghsein, Tungkiang, Chungshan. They will also have talks with businessmen and visit some enterprises. SISTEMA JSFC’ group consists of vice presidents Igor Zubov and Alexander Rogachev as well as general director of the concern Scientific Center Gennady Krasnikov.