In the end of the past 2002 year the science assistant to general director of LOMO PLC B.I.Utenkov was given the rank of "Honoured Science Worker of the Russian Federation", according to the Edict of the Russian Federation's President.
Boris I. Utenkov became the first in the firm to be awarded with such a great honour. The rank of "Honoured Science Worker of the Russian Federation" is given to the scholars who have doctor's degree of historical science, for merits in developments of main trends of science and engineering, for creation of scientific schools. Professor B.I.Utenkov has been the head of the firm's Central design bureau for more than 10 years. He took part in the creation of many devices of LOMO. He owns more than 20 inventions and other objects of intellectual property. And in his current position he continues the line of scientific school established in the beginning of the XX century by the pioneers of domestic optical technology A.L.Gershun, B.S.Ignatovsky, B.N.Churilovsky. Besides, B.I.Utenkov is at the head of the main department of ITMO (Institute of precise mechanics and optics) at LOMO, promoting formation and development of young specialists.
From the moment of its establishment the St. Petersburg's optical firm distinguished itself by close connection between science and manufacture. And the latest award is the illustration of continuance of this good tradition.