In terms of the reliable power supply recovery of Moscow region on the 9th of January of 2011, repair works on consequences elimination of technological faults in 6-10 kv grid will be performed in a series of Moscow region’s districts. Under these works performing they will need deenergizing of consumers. In particular the planned cutouts of electric power are stipulated in the South of Moscow region in Ramensky, Domodedovsky, Podolsky districts; in the North – in Solnechnogorsky, Dmitrovsky, Khimkinsky, Mytischinsky, Krasnogorsky, Pushkinsky districts; in the West – in Odintsovsky and Istrinsky districts; in the East – in Orekhovo-Zuevsky, Noginsky, Shatursky districts. Cutouts are planned to be made from 8:00 to 18:00. JSC “MOESK” ask the citizens not to worry and keep quit. One can learn more details on cutouts having dialed 24-hour multi-channel phone number of “Light line” of Moscow United Electric Grid Company 8-800-700-40-70 and having dialed phone numbers of temporary information centers established in each distribution zone of Moscow United Electric Grid Company (phone numbers are placed at the web page of JSC “MOESK”).