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October 29, 2002

OJSC Dalsvyaz: Extraordinary (joint) Shareholders Meeting held

Open joint stock company Far East Telecommunications Company (address: Russia, Vladivostok, ul;. Svetlanskaya, 57), also known as Dalsvyaz, hereby announces that an extraordinary (joint) shareholders meeting is to be held.  The meeting will take the form of a joint assembly of shareholders (their authorized representatives) with preliminary distribution (hand-out) of ballot sheets.  

The EGM is to be held on December 24, 2002.  It is scheduled to begin on 10 o'clock local time.  Registration will get under way for shareholders (their proxies) at 8 o'clock local time.  The meeting will be held at the following address: Vladivostok, ul. Praporshika Komorova, 36 (the Vladivostok long-distance telephone exchange).  

EGM Agenda 

1.       On the premature termination of the mandate of the chief executive officer, the appointment of the new chief executive officer of the Company and determination of his term;

2.       On the premature termination of members of the Board of Directors and election of the Board of Directors of the Company;

3.       On the premature termination of members of the Audit Committee and election of the Audit Committee of the Company;

4.       On approval of the new version Company Charter;

5.       On approval of the new version of The Rules and Regulations for Holding a Joint Stock Meeting of the Company;

6.       On approval of the new version of The Rules for the Board of Directors'

7.       On approval of the new version of The Rules for the Supervisory Board of the Company.

The list of individuals eligible to attend the (joint) EGM has a cut-off date of October 25, 2002.   

Shareholders (a shareholder) of the Company are those holding a total of at least 2 percent of the voting shares of the Company.  They are entitled to nominate candidates for the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee of the Company, the total number of which cannot exceed the actual number fixed for these corporate bodies.  All such proposals should be made to the Company no later than November 23, 2002.  Nominations should be made in writing, including a note of acceptance by the proposed candidate, information on the latter to be used by those eligible to attend the joint shareholders meeting (i.e. full name, proposed position and current place of work). 

Those wishing to view the above information ( materials) in preparation for the joint EGM will be allowed to do so beginning December 3, 2002: 

-          on the corporate website of Dalsvyaz at;

-          at Dalsvyaz headquarters located at Vladivostok, ul;. Svetlanskaya, 57;

-          at branches of the Company at:

-          the Amur branch - 675011, Blagoveshensk, ul. Gorkogo, 159;

-          Kamchatka branch - 683000, Petropalovsk-Kamchatsky, ul. Lenina, 56;

-          Magadan branch - 6850000, Magadan, prospekt Lenina, 2A;

-          Sakhalin branch - 6930000, Southern Sakhalisnk, ul. Lenina, 220;

-          Khabarovsk branch - 680000, Khabarovsk, ul. Muraveva-Amurskogo, 44;

-          Branch of Jewish Autonomous Region - 682200, Birobidzhan, prospekt 60 letiya SSSR, 16. 

Those wishing to view EGM materials can also do so at local branches and divisions of OJSC Dalsvyaz, which are located in cities and towns of the Amur, Kamchatka, Magadan, Sakhalin and Khabarovsk regions and the branch in the Jewish Autonomous Region.  

Those planning to attend the extraordinary (joint) general shareholders meeting should bring valid forms of ID, their passports and ballot sheets. Those eligible to attend may send a proxy to the meeting.  Such individual representatives should come with the proper power of attorney, which has been duly notarized or otherwise containing authorization as specified by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.  The powers of proxies who are legal entities should also be authenticated by a power of attorney bearing the seal of the shareholder, or a document which attests to the right of the proxy to act without power of attorney issued on behalf of the shareholder, which is a legal entity. 

Shareholders are entitled to vote concerning issues on the agenda by sending completed ballot sheets the company's headquarters.  All such votes should be mailed to company's mailing address.  

All votes submitted using the above-mentioned ballot sheets will be tallied when a quorum is established, provided that they are received by the Company no later than December 21, 2002, inclusive.  

In the event that votes are cast using a power of attorney by advance submission of ballot sheets, the ballots should be accompanied by the power of attorney on the basis of which the proxy acts, or an official copy of said power of attorney.  For proxies of shareholders who are legal entities, in addition to the power of attorney, it is also necessary to attach a document attesting the proxy's right to act without power of attorney on behalf of the shareholder, which is a legal entity.




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