119121 Moscow, 55 Plyushikha St.str.2; tel.: (095) 727-0418, fax: (095) 727-0475;
September 2, 2003ãîäà Moscow
Alexander V. Lopatin was released from his official duties as vice general director of Svyazinvest as Mr. Lopatin has accepted a position at another company.
At Svyazinvest Mr. Lopatin was in charge of financial activity:
· Introduced budget systems according to Russian and international stanrdards;
· Long-term and short-term planning of the holding's business;
· Introduced a single accounting policy and chart of accounts for holding companies;
· Set up and trained IAS groups at holding companies. Prepared consolidated IAS reports involving efforts of holding specialists;
· Developed and introduced methods for determining economically feasible expenses and tariff setting;
· Developed and introduced separate revenue and expenses accounting for telecom services;
· Introduced IT systems for planning and collecting financial reports;
· Developed marketing strategies for super-regional companies;
Svyazinvest CEO Valery Yashin said: "The management of the holding would like to thank Alexander Vladimirovich for the highly professional work carried out in position of vice general director of Svyazinvest. He is largely responsible for the successful completion of the holding's corporate restructuring process".
Alexander Vladimirovich Lopatin
Born on July 29, 1964. Graduated from the telecom department of the PopovMarineTechnicalCollegewith a major in applied mathematics and the StateFinanceAcademy, majoring in corporate business appraisal). Holds an MBA from ChicagoBusinessSchool. Candidate of economic sciences.
- from 1993 to 1995 held various positions at UES of Russia;
- from 1995 to 1997 worked as head of asset management at UES then vice head of corporate finance department;
- 1997 to 1998 head of Treasury at UES;
- since 1999 - vice general director of Svyazinvest.
Member of Board of Executives at Svyazinvest. Chairman of Board of Directors of Central Telegraph, Far East Telecom, Siberia Telecom, Ruslingsvyaz, Mobitel, member of BoD of Central Telecom, MGTS, Volga Telecom, Siberia Telecom.