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RBC Information Systems

February 27, 2006

RBC expands to the print media segment

Moscow, February 27, 2006– ???RBC Information Systems (RTS, MICEX: RBCI)has announced the launch of a monthly business magazine entitled RBC. The first issue of the magazine with a monthly circulation of 70,000 copies will be released on March 15, 2006.

RBCmagazine is chiefly aimed at company owners and top managers, but will also attract a wider audience comprising those who are used to keeping track of the latest trends and events in Russian and global business.

“We have mentioned before that we are looking into the print media market,” RBC’s General Director Yury Rovensky expanded on the magazine launch. “And we hope RBC magazine is not our last project in this field. However, since our company mainly deals with business information we decided to enter this segment with a business monthly.” 

RBCmagazine will keep its readers informed of the main economic and political trends, follow developments related to the breaking news of each month, provide professional coverage of ongoing business transactions, as well as go through the latest achievements in various fields, including culture news. The magazine is set to occupy its niche among other business publications, due to the intimate knowledge of the business community and the problems it faces, provide exclusive investigations, and guide its readers around today’s business world with details on who and how is making money in modern Russia.

All the magazine’s materials will favorably contrast with other business publications, due to the wealth of information, lightness of style and in-depth coverage of issues. Among its main advantages are practical use for the business audience, the vast number of topics covered and professional design.

Petr Vlasov, the Editor-in-Chief of daily analytical online newspaper RBC Daily, has been appointed as the Editor-in-Chief of the new magazine. Konstantin Ryasentsev will be responsible for the magazine’s production and distribution. Ryasenstev previously served as the Commercial Director of Burda publishing house.

“According to experts[1], the print media segment of the Russian advertising market will reach $1.5bn in 2006. Such positive dynamics are prompting us to enter this niche,” Rovensky commented. “RBC magazine will be a new addition to the company’s multi-delivery channel of news distribution, with electronic media remaining the priority for RBC though.”

The total volume of investment in the magazine is about $2m. RBC’s new project is expected to reach the breakeven point at an operating level in 2007, and to pay back in about 18 months. Advertising revenue and subscription fees are projected as the magazine’s main source of revenue.

The magazine will be distributed through retail press outlets across Russia. The recommended price has been set at RUR85-90 per copy. From the second half of 2006, the magazine will be available by subscription, including online subscription at

[1]Association of Communication Agencies of Russia, November 2005




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