Kaliningrad. 28 October 2005. Today, an official ceremony was held to bring on line the first power unit at the Kaliningradskaya CHPP-2. The ceremony was attended by Kaliningrad Region Governor Georgy Boos, Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Northwest Federal District Ilya Klebanov, Chairman of the Management Board of RAO "UES of Russia" Anatoly Chubais, and Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus Sergey Sidorsky.
The start-up of the Kaliningradskaya CHPP-2 is part of the Federal Programme to develop the Russian enclave aimed at ensuring the power security of the Kaliningrad Region and strengthen the common economic space of Russia as a whole. The construction of a new powerful electric generating facility in the Kaliningrad Region is designed to ensure its energy independence, especially in view of the forthcoming decommissioning of Ignalina NPP, Lithuania.
The current electricity consumption in the Kaliningrad Region is RUB3.6 billion kWh, with a mere 235 million kWh generated within the region. In 2004, the energy shortages in the area amounted to 3,385 million kWh of electricity and 611,7 MW of capacity. These shortages were compensated with the energy flows from the UES of Russia via the neighbouring countries, and with electricity purchased from Lithuania.
After the first power unit at the Kaliningradskaya CHPP-2 is brought on line, the imports of electricity may be cut by half: even with account taken of the average annual increase in consumption, the energy shortages may fall to 1,427 million kWh of electricity and 427 MW of capacity. When the second generation unit at the Kaliningradskaya CHPP-2 is completed in 2009, the Kaliningrad Region will enjoy full energy independence.
The Kaliningradskaya CHPP-2 is a top-priority construction project of RAO "UES of Russia" financed under the RAO UES investment programme. In 2005, RAO "UES of Russia" allocated RUB5.61 billion in funds to the project, including RUB3 billion in earmarked allocations and RUB2.26 billion in borrowings. During the current year, RUB150 million was allocated to the project from the federal budget.
The decision to build the Kaliningradskaya CHPP-2 was taken in April 1990. However, the project was suspended due to the lack of funds. The question of plant completion was raised once again in 1999. A feasibility study was prepared to the order of RAO "UES of Russia" in the same year, and in 2002, RAO "UES of Russia" resumed construction and installation works at the power plant site.
The installed capacity of power unit No. 1 at the Kaliningradskaya CHPP-2 is 450 MW. The plant's designed capacity is 900 MW (two 450 MW generation units). The Kaliningradskaya CHPP-2 is equipped with thermal and gas turbines, generators manufactured by Power Machines Concern, and waste heat recovery boilers made by OAO "IK ZIOMAR".
The project uses a combined-cycle technology, which helps raise efficiency to 51%, save up to 20-25% of fuel and reduce hazardous emissions by a third, whereas conventional steam power plants have efficiency of not more than 40%.*
The first power unit at the Kaliningradskaya CHPP-2 is also capable of producing up to 340 Gcal of heat, which will help increase the plant's fuel efficiency to 76%. Heat-extraction mode of operation may be utilized if heating mains are built to link the power plant to the city of Kaliningrad.
As a measure to address this issue, Kaliningrad Region Governor Georgy Boos, Kaliningrad Mayer Yury Savenko, Chairman of the Management Board of RAO "UES of Russia" Anatoly Chubais, and the President and CEO of OAO "Vneshtorgbank" signed an Agreement on Cooperation in the implementation of the heating supply project in Kaliningrad. This document provides for the creation of a quadripartite working group to develop the technical specifications for the heating main from the Kaliningradskaya CHPP-2 to the city of Kaliningrad.
* The combined-cycle gas technology is used at the Severo-Zapadnaya CHPP ("North-West CHPP"), Sochinskaya CHPP, Tyumenskaya CHPP-1, and the Ivanovskie PGU, a power plant currently under construction. The use of this technology in new projects to build new and upgrade the existing generation facilities is a priority line of technical modernization of the electricity industry being carried out by RAO "UES of Russia". This priority is stated in the "Concept of technical policy of RAO "UES of Russia"" approved by RAO UESR Management Board in 2005.