The 6th Conference “Urgent issues of the state and development of oil and gas complex” devoted to the 75th anniversary of the Russian State University (RGU) of Oil and Gas named after Ivan M. Gubkin was accomplished in Moscow. The Forum was organized by the RGU of oil and gas supported by the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation.
The Deputy Chairman of Gazprom’s Management Committee Alexander Ananenkov has delivered the report before the audience at the plenary session. «Prospects of development of Russia’s gas industry» was the subject of the report.
It has been noted in the report that the oil-and-gas complex is the major part of real sector of economy in modern Russia. Prospects of its development for the nearest decades are determined by «The Power strategy of Russia for the period up to 2020», approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in August, 2003.
According to the strategy, growth of production of primary energy resources will comprise from 27 to 43% in the country by 2020. Natural gas will remain to be the basis of internal demand for fuel and energy resources.
The speaker has emphasized that Gazprom demonstrating last years stable development and realizing potential of growth will remain the basis of Russia’s gas branch for the whole of outlook considered in strategy. Production of gas by its organizations grows from year to year, having exceeded 545 bcm in 2004. By 2020 it is planned to bring this figure to 580-590 bcm.
«Western Siberia, namely – the Nadym - Pur-Tazov region remains the main resource base of the gas industry and the center of gas production in the foreseeable future. In the future, such center will become the Yamal peninsula. The Eastern direction occupies the important place in the system of priorities for a long-term power policy of our country. It is significantly connected with an opportunity of realization the largest oil-and-gas projects here», — the speaker said.
A. Ananenkov has emphasized that solution of tasks put before the gas industry of Russia and, first of all, before Gazprom by the Power strategy, will demand united efforts and financial opportunities of investors and the state.
«It is symbolic that Russia’s oil and gas development prospects are discussed in the main oil-and-gas staff smithy of the country: the Russian State University of Oil and Gas. The students of the University are the future of the Russian oil-and-gas complex. What it will be in the nearest decades particularly depends on them», - Alexander Ananenkov has declared.