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December 30, 2013

Bank of Russia Financial Markets service registered the report on results of additional issue of RusHydro’s shares

JSC RusHydro (ticker symbol: MOEX, LSE: HYDR; OTCQX: RSHYY) announces that the Bank of Russia Financial Markets Service registered the report on results of additional issue of RusHydro’s shares (state registration number 1-01-55038-Ĺ-041D of December 3, 2012).

During open subscription period 1,622,759,598 shares were placed and paid. The number of issued shares totaled 68,617,944,796 priced at RUB 1 per share, or 62.38% of the total approved amount (with par value of RUB 1 per share).

RusHydro’s shareholders as of October 11, 2012[1] could exercise the pre-emptive right to acquire the Company’s shares from December 19, 2012 to February 26, 2013. During this period shareholders could submit applications to acquire the Company’s additional shares pro rata their shareholding in the Company’s share capital and pay for the shares both in cash or ordinary shares of the companies included in the list approved by the Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders (EGM), based on the valuation of these shares approved by the Board of Directors of RusHydro on January 29, 2013. The open subscription to newly issued shares started on March 12, 2013 and ended on November 1, 2013 (the actual end date of placement was November 26, 2013). In accordance with article 8.3 of the “Decision on additional share issue” the Company had the right to decide whether to accept or decline received offers.

Apart from the Russian Federation, more than 70 shareholders (corporates and individuals, including holders of the RusHydro’s depositary receipts) participated in additional share issue. The total value of funds contributed to the Company’s share capital amounted to RUB 50,022,422,712.46, including RUR 50 bn received from the federal budget to finance construction of the thermal power facilities in the Far East in compliance with the President’s decree no. 1564 of November 22, 2012. RusHydro also obtained stakes of the following companies as payment for its shares:


Number of shares contributed by other shareholders

Number of shares contributed by the Russian Federation

RAO ES of the East

6 978 767 919

1 492 472 400

Sakhalin energy company


2 478 568

Ust’-Srednekanskaya HPP


2 649 171 000

Irkutsk electronetwork company

17 748 730

1 973 711 982


3 625 110


The increase of RusHydro’s share capital by issuance and placement through open subscription of 110 bn additional ordinary shares with a par value of RUR 1 was approved by the EGM on November 16, 2012.

[1] Cut-off date for participation in the EGM that passed the resolution to increase the Company’s share capital.

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