An annual meeting entitled “Metrological support in the power grid complex, power quality and organization of work of the power quality system” took place in Saratov. Metrological services specialists of the Rosseti Group of companies, the State Unitary Enterprise of the RK Krymenergo, the head of the certification body of GUP RC Krymenergo, as well as developers and manufacturers of measuring equipment and instruments (NPP "Energotekhnika", LLC, Penza, Electropribor OJSC, Cheboksary, Algorithm, JSC, St. Petersburg) gathered at the IDGC of Volga, JSC site for the tenth time.
IDGC of Volga chief metrologist, Sergey Kargin, summed up the work of the metrology system and power quality control, highlighted the topical problems of applied metrology development, the issues of electric energy quality control. Metrologists of the Interregional Distribution Grid Company of Volga largely contributed to the development of the Rosseti Group metrology service. On the basis of their developments, many documents of the holding have been created.
"We have created a unique team of highly qualified specialists - a well - regulated system, which makes it comfortable to work in today's energy world, consistently show good results, timely and adequately respond to new challenges,"-Sergey Kargin said. The meeting participants noted that one of the priority tasks facing the metrological services is to actively participate in the implementation of the program for building a “digital power grid” in Russia.
An important task is to comply with the requirements of the newly adopted Federal Law “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in Connection with the Development of Electric Energy (Capacity) Accounting Systems in the Russian Federation” regarding metrological provision of electricity meters transferred to grid organizations for maintenance by consumers, natural and legal persons.
Also metrologists will have to prepare a confirmation of technical competence of the accredited person in the field of uniformity of measurements for the right of measuring instruments and metrological services verification in the measurements calibration system of the Rosseti group of companies. The solutions developed at the meeting in Saratov will allow to improve the metrological support system of the Rosseti group of companies and to continue the development of the electric energy quality management system in distribution grids.