Yesterday, AO MOSENERGO held a general meeting to discuss the company performance during the first quarter of 2001. The participants summarized key industrial and economic activities during the period. Igor Goryunov, deputy general director and chief engineer of AO MOSENERGO, evaluated the company's positive performance. The heating season was successfully completed. In conditions of growing energy consumption the power supply system managed to save fuel reserves. Energy consumption grew by 3 percent as compared to last year. Industrial consumers increased by 12.2 percent, and railways consumption rose by more than 2 percent. Also in the first quarter, due to a balanced fuel policy, AO MOSENERGO saved fuel worth 1,172 million rubles. Electric and heat energy sold though FOREM, the national wholesale electricity market, amounted to 600 million kilowatt/hour, 20 percent above plan. In early 2001, AO MOSENERGO branches stepped up repair works. This year the company allocated 6 billion rubles to carry out current and capital repairs at company facilities. As compared to the last year, the company will invest 1.5 times more in technical upgrades and new equipment. The main objectives in technical upgrades this year are the launch of power unit No.10 at heat power station No.11 (TEZ-11) and water heating boiler at TEZ-27. MOSENERGO also plans to put into operation substations "Bitza" at Southern Electric Grids and "Kurkino" at Oktyabrskie Electric Grids.