As of March 1, 2002, debt of federal entities (enterprises funded from the federal budget) to AO MOSENERGO for consumed power amounted to 982.6 million rubles, including 722.6 million rubles for electricity and 260 million rubles for heat. As compared to the beginning of the year, the debt of these consumers almost doubled.
State-funded enterprises are very slow to sign supplementary agreements within existing electricity supply contracts based on budgetary limits (in accordance with Decree No. 296 of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 4, 2000). Under Protocol No ??-?4-9?? of February 6, 2002, signed at a meeting with Khristenko, deputy government chairman, those in charge of distributing budgetary funds had to inform the subordinated enterprises of budgetary limits for 2002, by February 15, 2002. However, until this moment a number of ministries and agencies have not been informed of limits set by Ministry of Energy.
The absence of approved limits and bilateral supplementary agreements indicates that the federal funds are not used to finance these organizations and, therefore, the current electricity consumption is not paid for. Meanwhile, the reliability of electricity supply to state-funded entities depends on the timely preparation of all necessary documents and payment for consumed power. The responsibility for this rests with federal ministries and agencies.