Moscow, 31 August 2004. Today, the Chairman of the Management Board of RAO "UES of Russia" Anatoly Chubais and President of China's power corporation Datang* Zhai Ruoyu have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation.
In the Memorandum, the parties emphasize the need to develop relations between RAO "UES of Russia" and Datang and express mutual commitment to strategic partnership in electric power industry. The parties do not rule out the possibility of joint national and international projects to develop infrastructure, services and modernization of production facilities, as well as exchange of scientific and research information.
* Datang Corporation was established in 2002 in the course of electricity industry reform in China. The corporation is one of the five power generation companies existing in China at the moment. In 2003, the overall capacity of the power plants owned by the Corporation was 40,000 MW, of which 27,720 MW are projects in operation and 12,270 MW are projects under construction. The companies owned by the Corporation are located in 21 provinces of China.