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Rosseti Volga

January 23, 2014

Chuvashenergo, a branch of IDGC of Volga, JSC summed up the results of work on decrease in losses of the electric power

In Chuvashenergo, a branch of IDGC of Volga, JSC (enters into group of companies Rosseti, JSC) summed up the results of work for 2013 on receipt of electric energy in the branch network, to useful output and electric power losses in power networks. Electric power output into grids of Chuvashenergo, a branch of IDGC of Volga, JSC for 2013 made 4 332,368 million kWh. Useful output of electric power made 4 075,454 million kWh. In comparison with 2012 losses of electric power in power grids of Chuvashenergo, a branch IDGC of Volga, JSC in the last year decreased by 16,075 million kWh and made 256,914 million kWh, i.e. 5,93% of receipt of the electric power in a network. Dynamics of decrease in electric power losses is a main indicator for assessment of efficiency of activity of the enterprise, and work on decrease of losses is one of the directions of the program for power saving. In Chuvashenergo, the branch of IDGC of Volga, JSC events for decrease in losses are held systematically. Annually specialists of the branch achieve systematic decrease in relative size of losses thanks to carrying out technical and organizational actions directed on increase in useful output of electric power. One of the actions for decrease in losses of electric power is work on identification of the facts of non-accounting and free-lance electricity consumption. As it is shown on practice the most widespread violations are intervention cases in operation of metering devices, and also the actions of consumers leading to distortion of data on the actual volume of consumption of electric energy (hidden input, connection of loading besides the counter, etc.). We will remind that in 2013 736 statements of non-accounting and free-lance electricity consumption on 3, 471 million kWh are drawn up. According to Art. 7.19 of the Code on Administrative Offences for unauthorized (non-accounting) use of electric energy of the Russian Federation 16 people are brought to administrative responsibility. In 2014 Chuvashenergo, the branch of IDGC of Volga, JSC will continue work on decrease in losses in electric power grids. The money saved as a result of it will be directed on carrying out actions for increase of reliability and quality of power supply of consumers of the Chuvash Republic.




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