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Financial Corporation "Sistema"

May 30, 2011

Bashkirenergo appoints a new CEO

On 27 May 2011 (Ufa) the Board of Directors of Bashkirenergo appointed Andrey Makarov as CEO

On 27 May 2011 the Bashkirenergo Board of Directors took the decision to appoint Andrey Makarov as CEO of Bashkirenergo from 1 June 2011.

 The new CEO of Bashkirenergo has extensive work experience in top management positions in energy companies. From 2000 Mr. Makarov held senior positions in the energy holdings of the Urals region, was the Managing Director of TGC-9 (2006-2008), head of the Urals Power Generation Division in IES-Holding (2008-2010).

 Commenting on the decision of the Board of Directors, Deputy Chairman of the Bashkirenergo Board of Directors, Executive Vice President of Sistema JSFC Petr Bezukladnikov said: "The appointment of a new CEO in Bashkirenergo shows that the company has reached a new stage in its development. We aim to build an effective and modern governance system in Bashkirenergo, which is one of the core assets of Sistema JSFC. Mr. Makarov has considerable experience in managing large energy holdings, he knows the best practices in energy assets management and has proven investment competencies. His experience will be an invaluable contribution to further development of Bashkirenergo. I am sure that Mr. Makarov will continue implementing the restructuring policy launched by the company's management in 2009 and maintain the high growth rate of the company. The shareholders believe that Bashkirenergo will become one of the undisputed leaders of the industry”.

Brief biographical note:

Andrey Makarov.

Was born on 24 January 1961. In 1983 graduated from the Pavlodar Industrial University with specialization in 'Electric power supply for production facilities and cities', in 1991 completed a postgraduate course in the Moscow Energy University with a degree in 'Eclectic and thermal processes and plants' (PhD). From 1995 held senior positions in production facilities of the electric power sector: from 2005 to 2008 worked in TGC-9 (Perm) where in 2006-2008 he was the CEO of the company and in 2008-2010 headed the Urals Power Generation Division of IES-Holding; from 2010 to 2011 he headed the Department for relations with territorial generating companies of INTER RAO UES. Married with three sons.

Bashkirenergo is one of the largest regional energy companies in Russia. Installed capacity for electric power generation - 4.2 GW, for heating power generation - 13,630 Gcal/h. The holding's share in electric power generation in the Republic of Bashkortostan - 95.5%; in heating power generation - 45.5%.

The power generating facilities of Bashkirenergo include one GRES station, ten CHPs (including the Zauralskaya CHP), two HPPs, four gas turbine power plants and four gas-piston power plans, one wind power station and eight small HPPs.




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