The Production Departments of Chuvashenergo, branch of IDGC of Volga, JSC, take part in the professional skill contest among the emergency teams responsible for servicing high-voltage transmission lines of the distribution grids. This contest allows to evaluate the level of professional skills and to improve workmanship of all competing teams. First winners of the regional contest stage were defined in the Alatyr Production Department of Chuvashenergo, branch of IDGC of Volga, JSC. The teams representing Alatyr RES (Repair and Operation Station), Krasnochetay RES, Shumerlya RES and Poretskoe RES arrived at the training ground in Krasnye Chetai. The professional skill contest included 7 stages. The contest was traditionally started with inspection of teams' equipment (special clothes, protective equipment, tools, accessories and required documents). Then, the participants demonstrated their knowledge of the applicable regulations, guidelines and standards. At one of the most challenging and critical stage the teams had to release an injured person from the electric current on 10 kV transmission line support and render him/her first aid. The wiremen competed in a quick and accurate elimination of equipment malfunctions, replacement of bare wires with self-supported isolated wires, calculation and measurement of phase-neutral loop resistance of 0.4 kV transmission line and in fire extinguishing in the transformer bay of 10/0.4 kV package transformer substation. The professional skill contest among the emergency teams responsible for servicing high-voltage transmission lines of the distribution grids yearly held in Chuvashenergo, branch of IDGC of Volga, JSC proves the excellence of Company's personnel and their ability to act in tough conditions. Such events allow both to evaluate the level of professional skills and to improve the performance and safety of servicing electric grids. In addition, the participants may share their practical experience. The winners of the regional contest stage will participate in the contest among the emergency teams responsible for servicing high-voltage transmission lines of the distribution grids of Chuvashenergo, branch of IDGC of Volga, JSC. This contest will be held in early June. The team who will vindicate Branch's honor at the contest held by IDGC of Volga, JSC in Orenburg will be revealed at this stage.