Working session of the Organizing committee of the International competitions among brigades servicing high-voltage transmission lines with voltage 110 kV and higher of the national electric power supply systems in the states-participants CIS in 2011 has taken place on April, 27-28th, 2011 on the basis of the Penza production division (branch Penzaenergo, of IDGC of Volga, JSC). Over 20 representatives of the national electric power supply systems of the CIS from Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine and Russia, responsible for carrying out of competitions have taken part in the meeting. Participants have got acquainted with steps of proving ground, and also have discussed a number of organizational issues. In particular, the Main judicial commission of the International competitions has been generated, projects of Statements on passing steps are considered and Statement on competitions is approved. The International competitions of brigades servicing high-voltage transmission lines of voltage 110 kV and higher of the national electric power supply systems of the states-participants CIS will take place in Penza on September, 18 - 24th, 2011. «It is a great honor to spend so prestigious competitions on the Penza land, - has underlined Yury Medvedev, the executing chief of technical audit Department of IDGC Holding, JSC. -Tthe unique material base, modern methodical maintenance allow to train the personnel at the highest level. There are no similar training proving grounds in Russia .