Branch of JSC “MOESK” – Western Electric Grids showed stable dynamics of growth of total amount of filed applications for technological connection (TC) to electric grids of the Company according to results of 2010. In the past year number of applications for TC amounted to 8,012 that is 128% of the level of 2009. Continuing growth of applications for TC is provided by change of their structure and this is connected with realization of Order of the Government of RF No. 334 dated 21.04.2009. “On privileged technological connection”. In total share of applications for capacity up to 15 kW reached 72% of the total number. Total from 2007 till 2010 total number of applications amounted to 20,630. JSC “MOESK” – is a client-centred organization, which aims to make cooperation with it maximum comfortable. The Company’s specialists take all measures for client to be sure in the company’s reliability, its authority and high quality of executed works already at the stage of agreement conclusion.
Branch of JSC “Moscow United Electric Grid Company” – Western Electric Grids – services more than 100 ths. of conventional units of power equipment on the territory of eight administrative districts of Moscow Region, with the total square of more than 10 ths. square metres. The branch’s responsibility area includes the following districts of Moscow Region: Odyntsovo, Naro-Fominsk, Istra, Mozhajsk, Ruza, Lotoshino, Shakhovskaya, Volokolamsk. The branch’s main aims are providing of reliability of electric power supply of consumers in its responsibility area and rendering of services for technological connection. The branch includes: 103 substations 35-110-220 kilovolt, High-voltage lines (HVL) 35-110-220 kilovolt with length of about 3,200 km, High-voltage lines (HVL) 0.4-10 kilovolt (kV), with the length of 13,000 km, Cable lines (CL) 35 kilovolt (kV), with the length of about 122 km. There is about 5,358 of transformer substations (TS). Total number of personnel in Western Electric Grids amounts to more than 2,000 people.