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March 31, 2010

IDGC Holding and TNK-BP sign Agreement for Mutually Beneficial Cooperation

The IDGC Holding Development Strategy provides for efficient and socially responsible management of electric distribution grid facilities to ensure stable, reliable, and safe operation, and accessibility of the electric grid infrastructure.

To accomplish this mission and implement planned development of the electric grid facilities in the Russian Federation, IDGC Holding is interested in long-term cooperation with large electricity customers and producers with minimization of risks related to revision of their plans under the influence of changes in the market environment and financial situations.

As part of this client policy, IDGC Holding has signed today, March 31, the Agreement for Mutually Beneficial Cooperation with TNK-BP, Russia's leading oil company. The Agreement was signed by IDGC Holding Director General Nikolay Shvets and TNK-BP Vice President for Power Supply Pavel Strunilin.

The Parties reached mutual understanding that reliable electricity supply for Russia's regions that are part of IDGC Holding's area of responsibility and TNK-BP operational coverage (primarily the Western and Eastern Siberia and the Orenburg Region) may be guaranteed, provided that generating facilities (based on existing power plants and new energy sources) and electric grid facilities are adequately developed and maintained.

In 2010 the Parties will develop and coordinate measures for the development of electric distribution facilities, including construction and rehabilitation of electricity facilities, for the period until 2012.

To minimize limitations scope and duration (factoring in potential electricity supply disruptions), the Parties agreed to coordinate annual repair schedules for electric power installations and electric grid facilities.

IDGC Holding and TNK-BP intend to cooperate to prevent natural and technogenic emergencies and jointly identify and even remedy causes of technical disruptions.

Mutual aid under the Agreement may be extended in terms of personnel and material and technical resources.

Information interoperability and technological information exchange among of the dispatcher services are supposed to be arranged to enhance observability and manageability of the Parties' electric grid facilities.

The Parties agreed to coordinate joint efforts to meet TNK-BP's demand in electric power for 2010–2015.

The companies have also agreed to jointly develop energy savings programs, in particular, to reduce electricity transmission losses and enhance reliability of electrical power supply.

According to IDGC Holding Director General Nikolay Shvets, "The partnership with one of the leading oil companies will allow coordinating long-term development plans between electrical grid distribution companies and one of the largest industrial consumers such as TNK-BP." The strategic partnership will bring understanding on how to coordinate construction of oil production and refining facilities and electrical grid facilities," said Nikolay Shvets.

For his part, Pavel Strunilin said, "The Agreement that we signed today will give TNK-BP a reliable partner in the electricity grid sector. The companies have agreed to jointly develop energy savings programs, in particular, by reducing transmission losses in grids. Moreover, TNK-BP will be able to do long-term planning for construction of electric power facilities."




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