In the visit schedule of the head of the company - a meeting with the vice-governor of the Vologda area Victor Rjabishin, negotiations with ÒGS-2, visiting of power objects.
Today the General Director of the IDGC of the North-West Alexander Kukhmai is in the Vologda area with one-day working visit. In the program of stay of the head of the interregional distribution grid company - a meeting with the vice-governor of area Victor Rjabishin, negotiations with top-managers of JSC "ÒGS-2", and also a working meeting with the chief of department of thermal power station of the Government of the Vologda area Vyacheslav Stepin.
The director of the IDGC of the North-West branch "Vologdaenergo" Alexander Klimanov participates in all negotiations of the general director of the IDGC of the North-West.
In first half of day Alexander Kukhmai has met director of GA JSC "ÒGS-2" on the Vologda area Vladimir Mihajlov. The parties have discussed the project of expansion of the Vologda thermal power station in which realization participates both network, and the generating company. Within the limits of the project building of the combined-cycle block with the capacity 110 ÌWt is supposed. This capacity is necessary for region - there is a requirement for heat which will be developed in addition by the Vologda thermal power station-2.
"Our problem - to provide delivery of capacity of the new power unit in a network «Vologdaenergo» and to make it in time - by the time of the termination of building of the Vologda thermal power station-2. The uneasy problem is necessary to us. We sincerely want, that the Vologda thermal power station-2 had no restrictions and could give out the production for the blessing of consumers of the Vologda area», - Alexander Kukhmai has told, anticipating negotiations with the head of thermal power station Vladimir Mihajlov.
Within the limits of a working trip the general director of the IDGC of the North-West Alexander Kuhmaj has met the chief of department of thermal power station of the Government of the Vologda area Vyacheslav Stepin. The meeting had introductory character. The head of the interregional distribution grid company has shortly acquainted the new head supervising in the government of the Vologda area questions of thermal power station, with those problems which are most actual today in mutual relations of power engineering specialist and authorities.
The parties have agreed about the further constructive interaction on all pressing questions which arise during work. In particular, it is volumes of the investment program of branch "Vologdaenrgo" for 2010 and the next years, consolidation of network actives, transition to new system of long-term electricity price formation, developments of a network infrastructure as a whole.
In the Government of the Vologda area the planned meeting of the general director of JSC "IDGC of the North-West" Alexander Kukhmai with the vice-governor of the Vologda area Victor Rjabishin has taken place.
The parties have discussed the project of expansion of the Vologda thermal power station and building at the territory of station of distributive point 110 êW, necessary for delivery of additional capacities in a power supply system of a city of Vologda. Within the limits of discussion of questions of realization of the given project, the parties have agreed about meaningful dialogue continuation at a meeting which will take place in St.-Petersburg in the near future.
Besides, at meeting questions of mutual relations of the network company with the Vologda marketing company, realization of the investment program of the IDGC of the North-West on 2010 and the next years, consolidations of electric networks and activity of the network organizations created by commercial structures in territory of the Vologda area were brought up.
"We always correlate all programs with those requirements of region which are stated to us by administration and we find mutually acceptable decisions on inclusion in investment programs of those objects which are necessary both for a reliable electrical supply, and for the further development of territories", - the head of the IDGC of the North-West has noted.
Within the limits of each working trip to region Alexander Kukhmai inspects power objects. In end of a working trip the general director of the IDGC of the North-West together with the chief engineer of "Vologdaenergo" Anatoly Pinizhaninov will visit on substation -110 êW "Lugovaya", which reconstruction is planned for 2012.