Starting from 26th February 2010, bonds of the sixth issue of OJSC North-West Telecom have been included in quotation list A, level 1, of MICEX stock exchange. The decision to admit the bonds to the trading was taken upon request of the issuer due to the fact that OJSC N.W.Telecom’s bonds met the requirements of the stock exchange’s highest level of listing.
Until now, bonds of the sixth issue of OJSC N.W.Telecom have been in the category of non-listed stock of MICEX stock exchange.
OJSC N.W.Telecom is consistently implementing the strategy in the field of securities market development , among other things, including all securities , both equity securities and debt securities , in the upper level s of stock exchanges’ listing in order to ensure equal rights and provide an opportunity of making transactions with OJSC N.W.Telecom’s securities to as many investors as possible.
Now all the four circulating bonded loans of OJSC North-West Telecom are in the A1 quotation list of MICEX stock exchange, three of them (series 03, 04, 05) having been included in the Lombard List of the RF Central Bank and being accepted by the Bank of Russia as security for direct repo transactions.
Bonds of the sixth issue of OJSC N.W.Telecom are series 06 documentary interest-bearing bonds payable to bearer, with obligatory centralized care (state registration No. 4-06-00119-A of 16th October 2008), floated at MICEX stock exchange on 5th August 2009. The volume of the issue is 3 billion roubles, there are 3,000,000 bonds with the face value of 1,000 roubles. The circulation period is 10 years. The bonds coupon yield is paid on a quarterly basis . The Standard & Poor’s rating agency has given a rating at the level of ruAA- to the 6th bonded loan of OJSC N.W.Telecom , and the Fitch Ratings agency has given it a rating at the À+ (rus) level.