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Rosseti Volga

May 28, 2009

Meeting with the Heads of Municipal Units of Chuvash Republic took place in the branch of “IDGC of Volga”, JSC– “Chuvashenergo”

Meeting of such kind took place in the Republic for the first time. Council of Municipal Units of Chuvashia and Industry and Energy Ministry of Chuvash Republic were initiators of the meeting. Heads of federal and municipal executive bodies, over 70 heads of rural settlements, deputy heads of regional administrations of Chuvashia, representatives of ministries, heads of the branch of “IDGC of Volga”, JSC – “Chuvashenergo” took part in the meeting. Building of new power transmission lines, electric power rates formation, order of delivering of ownerless power grids and grids on the balance sheet of Municipal Units to the ownership of the branch of “IDGC of Volga”, JSC– “Chuvashenergo”, problems of accounting of power energy consumption and ways of their solution, order of the list of capital construction projects formation and other problems were discussed at the meeting. The raise of power energy rates was under debates. Vladimir Gavrilov, Deputy Head of Republic Tariffs Department (RTD), told in details to the meeting about the order of rate-making and said that the new resolution of Republic Tariffs Department, where the cost of power energy for rural population was reduced by 14 kopecks per 1 kWh and became 1 ruble 22 kopecks, will come into force from June 1 of the present year. Deputy Head of Chuvashia RTD underlined that power energy rate for small business will be also reduced to 2 rubles 33 kopecks per 1 kWh. Dmitry Ivanov, Deputy Director General of “IDGC of Volga”, JSC – Director of “Chuvashenergo” branch told in details about the structure of power grid system, grid companies of Chuvashia and their cooperation. Besides, the Head of “Chuvashenergo” proposed to the Heads of Municipal Units to discuss with the specialists of the company subjects interesting to them. “I invited all my deputies and heads of structural subdivisions to the meeting and you may apply directly to them and get the answers for all troublous questions”, - said Dmitriy Ivanov. Another topical subject is the electrification of rural settlements. Yury Voloshin, Industry and Energy Minister, Deputy Chairman of Chuvash Republic Ministry, noted that Industry and Energy Ministry of Republic, Republic Tariffs Department and the branch of “IDGC of Volga”, JSC – “Chuvashenergo” annually perform a big work to solve this problem. For example, 12 million 488 thousand rubles were spent for electrification of new streets in 2005 year. In 2006 year this sum was 27 million 411 thousand rubles, in 2007 – 63 million 697 thousand rubles, last year – 43 million 207 thousand rubles. It was proposed to attract the Council of Municipal Units from the next year to determine the order of the list of capital construction projects formation objectively. Yury Voloshin also underlined that today it is necessary to develop the program of electrification of republic settlements similar to gasification and roads construction programs. The report of the Deputies Director of “Chuvashenergo” branch and Heads of Departments of the company were listened during the meeting. They told the meeting about “IDGC of Volga”, JSC business activity and proposed to the Heads of Municipal Units to solve together the sore problems, which power energy specialists have enough. One of them is the increase of losses in the grids because of power energy consumption without counters and contracts. The regions – leaders in the “black-list” were named as an example. In Komsomolsky, Batirevsky and Shemurshinky districts during four months of the current year the losses of power energy reached 40%, at the same time the share of technical loss is 9% from the total volume of transmitted power energy. As the result “Chuvashenergo” for the performed services receives large financial assets less than its due. The money could be spent both for electrification of new streets and repair of existing power grids. Power energy specialists appealed to the Heads of Administrations of the regions and rural settlements to work with population more extensively so that to reduce the percent of consumption of power energy without counters and contracts. At the meeting the Heads of Municipal Units also got the answers about the lease of ownerless power grid facilities, order of installation of counters in the apartment houses, etc.

At the end of the meeting the Heads of rural settlements discussed current problems with “Chuvashenergo” specialists in details. Many issues were solved in the working order. The Heads of settlements and power energy specialists agreed to help each other to solve common  problems in future.




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