According to representatives of department on safety of "Chuvashenergo", it was possible to reach thanks to purposeful work on preventive maintenance of plunders. It is the whole complex of actions, in which number active cooperation with law enforcement bodies that has led to increase the quantity of exposers of such crimes from 11,1 % in 2007 to 55,6 % in 2008. Also the work on dismantle of electric mains from the disconnected objects owing to bankruptcy and liquidation of some the enterprises of the Chuvash Republic is regularly spent. For 2008 125 objects, including 76 air-lines 0,4-10 ê and 49 transformer substations are dismantled. Explanatory work among the population is besides spent, interaction with representatives of security services of the power companies from the regions next to Chuvashiya is adjusted. The important role is played also by active cooperation of powermen with mass media which regularly sreak about the problematics. In total for 2008 9 thefts of the power equipment against 18 facts of the plunders which have occurred in 2007 are fixed. On all facts of plunders criminal cases have been raised. In five cases 12 persons are condemned. The general damage put by malefactors, has made 319,2 thousand roubles. The sum of the compensated damage has made a 62,5 thousand roubles order. In the come year active work on preventive maintenance of plunders of an electric equipment from objects of power will be continued. Besides, the special attention will be given to minimisation of commercial losses of the electric power in electric networks "Chuvashenergo" because of consumption of electric energy without contracts or accounting and infringement of instructions for use by the electric power in settlements of the Chuvash Republic.