In opinion of top manager, products of the Indian electric technical industry enterprises are quite competitive for their supplying to Russia.
First Deputy General Director of IDGC of the North-West, Chief Engineer of the management company Aleksandr Kukhmay in the structure of the delegation of the Inter Company (Czechia), visited a number of the Indian enterprises producing power transformers.
Members of the delegation included Aleksandr Kukhmay on invitation of his colleagues from Czechia. Mr. Kukhmay acted as an expert and visited electric equipment production plants in Mubai (Bombay) and Chunay (Madras).
'The general impression of visiting the enterprises producing power transformers is good enough,' Aleksandr Kukhmay said at the end of the trip. 'The equipment which is produced at three enterprises we managed to visit corresponds to the international quality standards. India where the industry today is rebounding, has high production culture, workshops are provided with the modern equipment.
According to Aleksandr Kukhmay, today India does not deliver power transformers to Russia, but completely covers needs for these products on the national market, and also delivers the equipment for the power sector to Saudi Arabia, the country of the African continent. There are individual deliveries to Canada and the United States.
'We shall discuss with our collegues an opportunity and expediency of delivery of the power transformers produced at the enterprises of India to Russia, and also to the power companies of the northwest region, Aleksandr Kukhmay said.
'It is necessary to generate the technical project for the equipment necessary for us in view of the Russian climatic conditions, to develop criteria of the price-quality relationship, to investigate, how the equipment will operate at out power facilities. The process is long enough and demands serious work.
As a whole I can say that the power transformers which are produced in India can compete in the Russian market of electric power industry’, Chief Engineer of IDGC of the North-West concluded.