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North-West Telecom

October 31, 2006

North-West Telecom has summed up the results of its operation for the 9 months of 2006

OJSC North-West Telecom has summed up the results of its activities for the 9 months of 2006 according to the Russian Accounting Standards. According to the results of the financial and economic activities, the proceeds from sales amounted to 14,929.7 million roubles, including -13,724 million roubles from communication services . As compared to the same period of the previous year, the proceeds from sales have grown by 1%, while the proceeds from communication services decreased by 4,3%, which is accounted for by the change in the terms of providing long-distance and international communication services .   

At the same time, the income from new services (Internet, intelligent communication networks) grew by 68.7% as compared to 9 months of 2005 and amounted to 1,206.9 million roubles. Such a significant increase in the income from new services is a result of the policy of OJSC North-West Telecom aimed at diversifying the revenues from communication services and increasing the share of income from highly profitable non-regulated services in the total income of the Company .  

The income from connection and traffic passage for 9 months of 2006 increased more than 2.5 times as compared to the same period of the last year and amounted to 2,652 million roubles . The significant increase of the income in this segment is accounted for by the introduction of new principles of settlements between operators starting from 01.07. 2006.

The expenses of OJSC North-West Telecom decreased as compared to the same period of the last year and amounted to 10,827.1 million roubles. The prime cost of sold services was 10,203.8 million roubles, which is 8.2% less than for 9 months of 2005.

Thus, a growth of profitability, and an income growing faster than operating expenses have been shown.   expenses have decreased by 4.3%, while income has increased by 1% as compared to the 9 months of 2005.   In spite of the liberalization of the telecommunications market that has been carried out, the Company has managed to make up the lost income from international and long-distance communication and even judging by the results of the 9 months of 2006 to reach positive trends of proceeds as compared to the same period of the last year.   

Net profit of OJSC North-West Telecom amounted to 2,169.4 million roubles, which is 34.4% more than for the same period of the previous year.

The EBITDA index for the 9 months of 2006 amounted to 5,430.5 million roubles, having exceeded the index for the 9 months of 2005 by 26%. The EBITDA margin for the 9 months of 2006 amounted to 36.4%, which is 7.3 percentage points higher as compared to the same period of the previous year. This parameter has been increased through strengthening the market positions of the Company , its aggressive marketing policy in the field of new services promotion, the results from introducing the Calling Party Pays (ÑÐÐ) principle and the success of the measures taken to control Company's expenses and shows quite a high efficiency of the Company's business.   

The Accounting Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss Report of OJSC North-West Telecom for 9 months of 2006   have been published on the corporate site of OJSC NWT in the " Economic s and Finance" ( Ýêîíîìèêà è ôèíàíñû ) section.




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