OJSC Belsvyaz held its annual general shareholders on June 6, 2002 at which the company's 2001 financial results were discussed.
Shareholders approved the annual financial statement, the annual accounting reports, including the company's profit and loss statement, allocation of profits and losses on results of fiscal 2001, the amount of dividends to be paid out on preferred and common shares, appointed the 2002 auditor and the revised versions of the Charter, Statute and Rules for the Board of Directors, Supervisory Board, and the Procedure for Holding the Annual General Shareholders Meeting.
Based on resolutions passed at the AGM dividends are to be paid out in cash on preferred shares in the amount of Rub 5.89 for a period of 60 days after the resolution was adopted and Rub 1.96 per common share until December 31, 2002.
Top Audit (Moscow) was appointed as the company's auditor.
The following officials were appointed to the Audit Committee: V.P. Agafonov, N.S. Vasilchenko, A.N. Goncharov, V.N. Mikulyak, N.L. Tiurina.
Seven appointments were made to the Board of Directors. The new composition of the Board includes three nominees from Svyazinvest, S.A. Grushin, T.N. Novak and O.V. Kashirin, a nominee of Tsenter Telecom, N.V. Mezhuev, two nominees from OJSC Belsvyaz - G.N. Kuzmenko and M.S. Umansky and a nominee of the Association for the Protection of Investors Rights, S.G. Vartanyan.
At the first Board of Directors meeting held on the same date Sergei A. Grushin was appointed chairman of the Board of Directors and Grigory N. Kuzmenko was appointed vice chairman.