On September 22, 2009 another shipment of low enriched uranium set sails to the USA within the framework of the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and Government of the United States of America concerning the disposition of high enriched uranium extracted from nuclear weapons dated February 18, 1993 (HEU Agreement, known to the world community as Megatons to Megawatts Program). The HEU Agreement stipulates deliveries to the USA of low enriched uranium (LEU) produced by enterprises affiliated to the Rosatom State Corporation from weapons-origin high enriched uranium (HEU) to be used as fuel for US nuclear power plants. The Executive Agents of the Parties to the Agreement are the Joint Stock Company "Techsnabexport" (100% daughter company of the JSC "Atomenergoprom") and United States Enrichment Corporation.
This shipment has become an important landmark in implementing the Agreement. Since the first LEU shipment to the USA made in May 31, 1995 nearly 11 000 MT of this material down-blended from 375 MT of HEU has been delivered to the USA- 75 percent of the total amount of 500 MT envisaged by the Agreement. Thus the Megatons to Megawatts Program has entered its final stage. Hard currency proceeds received by Russia for the delivered material exceed US$ 8.5 billion. In addition, natural uranium - the so-called LEU feed - with estimated cost of US$ 2.7 billion was returned to the Russian Federation.
All the proceeds from implementing the HEU Agreement are channeled to the Russian Federal budget. A portion of the money is used to finance the activities aimed at improving nuclear safety, development of fundamental and applied sciences, environmental rehabilitation of sites, and Rosatom's conversion programs.
The Russia-US Megatons to Megawatts Program is a substantial contribution of these two countries to the fulfillment of their obligations on nuclear weapons reduction, and facilitates the irreversibility of this process.