Pursuant to the order of Deputy Director General of IDGC of Volga, JSC – Director of Chuvashenergo branch Dmitry Ivanov "About the preparation for the production of large-scale repairs works in 2008" a specially established committee will check the preparedness of production departments of the enterprise towards the beginning of the repair campaign from 08.04.2008 to 15.04.2008. The training of the repair, operational and repair personnel in safe methods of works production including a compulsory holding of practical lessons at training grounds and trainers, the preparation of necessary technical documentation are among the basic assessment criteria. The availability in a good repair of necessary mechanisms, tools, accessories, rigging and protective means, the provision of the personnel with special clothes and footwear proof against a voltaic arc are related to the compulsory requirements. The holding of tenders of the workmanship for the title: “The best in the profession” is also one of the constituents of the preparation to the repairs campaign. Permits for holding large-scale repair works will be given to the production departments of Chuvashenergo branch of IDGC of Volga, JSC only after they fulfill all the necessary requirements.