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September 26, 2002

On October 26, AO MOSENERGO held a press conference to announce the start of the heating season

The press coneference was attended by Dmitry Barshak, deputy chief engineer for heating facilities, Viktor Lipovskikh, chief engineer of Heating Grids, and Valery Kovyrzenkov, chief engineer of Mosteploenergoremont.

The participants in the press conference discussed the preparedness of the power supply system for the heating season and the results of the repairs conducted by AO MOSENERGO at Moscow heating grids and power stations. According to Barshak, AO MOSENERGO is fully prepared for the upcoming heating season . "The high degree of readiness will ensure the reliability throughout the whole heating season," he said. The reliability of the power system was proved last winter – not a single serious accident was registered last year. The repairs of pipelines, hydraulic tests and summer maintenance work (last summer AO MOSEENRGO has eliminated more than 4,700 breakdowns) adds to the system's reliability in winter months.

AO MOSENERGO started to prepare heating grids for winter load peak in mid-March. All works were accomplished in strict compliance with the schedule. In 70% of cases the waor was completed in advance. During the repairs, AO MOSENERGO replaced 75.6 km of heating grids (under the plan it had to replace 70 km of the lines). In addition, during nine months of 2002, the company reconstructed 2.5 km of heating grids which amounts to 51% of the plan. The remaining work has to be completed in the fourth quarter, as agreed with the Moscow government.

In eith months of 2002, AO MOSENERGO, has laid 5 km of pipes insulated with polyurethane foam. The total length of such pipes equals 55.35 km. In the fourth quarter the company will continue to lay polyurethane insulated pipes. Last summer, AO MOSENERGO put into operation a 4.9 km long part of Ostashkovo heating line linking TEZ-27. In 2002, AO MOSENERGO has installed 756 ball-type valves and 4,694 expansion bellows. In comparison with seals, expansion bellows completely eliminate the possibility of water leaks.

According to Lipovskikh, AO MOSENERGO spent 2,400 mln rubles to prepare heating grids for winter season. The company has allocated another 1,200 mln rubles to reconstruct grid pipelines in the remaining period of the tear.

Since September 23, AO MOSENERGO, has started heating in Moscow region. In the first turn, the heat is supplied to kindergartens, schools and medical facilities. Before the end of the next week, the heating will be turned on in all residential areas, unless there is sharp warming.

As of today, AO MOSENERGO heats 25% of residential areas. The heat will be supplied to the administrative and industrial facilities only in case they owe no debts to AO MOSENERGO.




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